Authored by Assemblymember Phil Ting
In passing SB 823 in 2020, the California Legislature committed to transforming CA’s juvenile delinquency system from a corrections model to a health-based, evidence-driven approach. AB 505 will help make this transformation a success by ensuring the new state youth justice office (Office of Youth and Community Restoration) has the tools it needs.
It gives the OYCR ombudsperson the same access and authority as the foster youth ombudsperson to respond right away to complaints of rights violations made by youth, families and others. It makes sure that county plans to spend state funds are developed with regular local community participation and are consistent with health-based approaches and the Legislature’s vision.
It also promotes consistency, efficiency and effectiveness by moving all remaining youth-related regulatory and technical assistance functions out of the corrections-oriented Board of State and Community Corrections and into the state’s youth justice expert, the OYCR. AB 505 is about keeping California’s promise to vulnerable youth who deserve every opportunity to grow, learn, and thrive in a transparent juvenile justice system that protects youth safety and dignity